Getting buy-in
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Getting buy-in
Last updated
The concept of nemawashi was then applied in business particularly in decision-making and consensus-building. In business, nemawashi is the act of gathering information and feedback from employees through one-on-one or small group discussions. Much like giving special attention to each root system in a tree, we apply the same concept to our organization’s employees. Nemawashi is usually done when introducing change, presenting new ideas, deciding on business matters, and getting everyone to agree on something..
Keep it draft and informal (easy for asking for feedback than a formal presentation)
Keep it high level (big picture is helpful)
Keep it simple - short and spot-on
Keep it non-tech friendly
Start with the most relevant staff in the tech team
Followed by key stakeholders (Product Manager, Strategy Manager)
Give your manager a heads up
Keep revising your proposals and chatting with individuals
Stop until the direction is aligned
Stop until you are certain about the scope and execution
Get the thumb ups
Start small
Iterate towards the goal
Nemawashi isn't for minor, well-defined issues => Just do it
Overusing Nemawashi turns you into a talker rather than a doer
No one cares // are you tackling the right problem?
No honest feedback // do you provide a safe zone to speak up
Lots of push back // step back and get the vision aligned
Make a decision before getting aligned // conflicts are only postponed till the execution stage.
Keep it open-ended for direct and honest feedback
Focus on understanding, not winning
Know when to stop
Having no feedback // good? bad? I think it’s a bad sign
Having different opinions // good? bad? I take it as a good sign