Use Positive Language
The What
Present yourself 100% and stay positive. avoid unintentionally planting doubts or negative thoughts in your audience's mind.
The How
Negative Language
Words like “just”, “only”, “small”, or “but” can unintentionally downplay the value of your work.
Reframe Positively
Instead of saying, “We are a small team”, say “We are a dedicated team focused on xxx”.
Focus on Strengths
Highlight the strengths and benefits of your proposal or solution. Emphasise what makes your approach unique and valuable.
✅ Exceptions
Acknowledging limitations can build trust. Transparently communicating can set realistic expectations
Be honest. Saying “I don’t know” can be strong.
Be accountable. Avoid making unrealistic promises.
🔴 Red Flags
Avoid overcompensating
Don’t making unrealistic promises
Avoid credibility issues
Last updated