One on Ones
The most important meeting: one-on-one catch-ups with your directs and skips
The What
The regular one-on-one meetings with your direct reports
The How
Set up a weekly catch up
Weekly is the best, fortnightly is the absolute minimum
Set up repeated events in calendars
Don’t cancel it
Make it private - meeting room, walk in a garden, zoom if both WFH
Slow cook discussion points
Have a delegated note per person
Write down notes as the week progresses
Get updates - management, key projects, blockers, observations, etc
Take notes and assign actions
Be positive
Share wins
Share context
Encourage improvement
Use Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) for feedback
Be a listener
Ask leading questions
Dig their mind
Talk about performance
It is a MUST if you want a high-performance team
Set up a clear expectation
Make it outcome-driven (we are paid for delivery outcomes)
No exception - one on one is a must
Don’t cancel at the last minute
Don’t be late
Don’t macro manage your DRs
Face-to-face is the best
Walking in a garden is even better
Just work updates
Micro management
Last updated