Position Description
Job Ad, Job Description, Position Description...make it short and spot on
The What
AKA Job Description, the Job Ad you will post on SEEK, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc
The How
Find a template that has been used before. Keep the style consistent and keep the content up to date.
PD templates provided by the HR, Hiring team, have been used before
Latest company introduction
Latest team introduction
Latest employee value proposition
Responsibilities in bullet points
Qualifications in bullet points (optional)
Additional Information like perks and benefits
At least 3 revisions
Should be reviewed by
The Senior Developer for hard skills, tech stack, platforms, frameworks …
Product Manager for objectives, soft skills, attributes, mindset, culture …
Data Analyst for analytics, critical thinking, data-driven mindset …
Other stakeholders
Sign Off
A heads-up to relevant peers and stakeholders about the final version
A heads-up when Job Ad is published
Fast track if you have had a ready-to-use PD
Check grammar and spelling
Keep it short and spot-on
No more than 2 pages
Leverage internal candidates and your LinkedIn connections
Silly spelling or grammar errors
PD as an essay
Tips: Don't waste your time, the candidates' time, TA's time, agency's time. Keep it short
Last updated